RFA Talk > Word study

After listening to a podcast of a recovery workshop, I patterned the lesson by doing my own word study of this sentence from The Drs Opinion, "The only relief we have to suggest is entire abstinence."

I began by looking up the words only, relief, entire, abstinence, and addiction. It lead to looking up many more words which led me to the following translation.

"Unquestionably, the best treatment for the burdensome depression of the spirit and senses that exceeds the bounds of reason due to the forceful, irresistible, overwhelming pressure to eat is to completely leave out all foods that cause the deeply felt, immediate, strong desire and determination to deviate from normal eating."

Addiction is burdensome isn't it? There was always a weight problem and not just a physical one. The mental weight problem was suffocating! To try juggling all my resentments, obsessive thoughts about food and my appearance, planning and plotting to eat as much as possible without consequences, overexercising, and the rest of my life was impossible. There just wasn't enough space and energy to keep it up.

Thankful for the food plan, 12 steps, and fellowship of RFA which has lightened my load and made life worth living:)

Anybody still feeling the burden of addiction? Phone meetings, face to face meetings, sponsor, 12 steps, food plan!

July 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCathy D. In GA

This is fascinating. Thanks for the new words!

July 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKasey in Atlanta